Our continuing ECE battle:
We continue to help our babies battle ECE and its effects.  While Jinx and
Atlas appear to be coming along - even occasionally eating on their own, I
fear Squirt is slipping on us.  He's been battling insulinoma for a while
now and this was the last thing he really needed.  The cards are stacked
against him and it's starting to not look so good for him.
I would really appreciate any kind thoughts or prayers you could send his
way. My thanks and his in advance!
Subject: Vaccine Reaction!!!!!!
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>The vet said this is the very first severe ferret reaction they've ever had
>to deal with.  Does anyone know much about Galaxy-D?  Why did this happen?
>We are all so flabbergasted -- it just happened out of nowhere in the span
>of less than a minute!
Both our Squirt and Atlas are severe reactors - rabies and distemper
respectively.  Both went through their kit series of vaccinations just
fine and started the reacting thing when they were one year old.  Squirt
totally caught us by surprise and my husband had to turn around and go back
to the vet's when he noticed what was happening with Squirt.  With Atlas we
were once burned and twice shy - we caught his reaction nearly immediately.
See our ferret webpage for the full story on both:
Earlier this year, our Pippi had a mild and localized reaction to the
distemper vaccination.  She swelled up where she had received the injection
and looked a bit like Quasi-modo.  She's never had any reaction in years
past, but she must have decided she wanted in on the reaction club!
The reactions can happen really fast or can take a little while to occur.
The reactions can even happen to animals (people included!) that have
never, ever reacted before.  Always be on your guard after a vaccination.
We've learned all too well that this can be a life-saver.
BTW, I'm sure a browse through the FML archives will *greatly* assist in your
finding out more about what vaccine reactions.
Subject: ferret sighting
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>THe other day I was watching TV and saw on MTV News about this one band
>doing a video -- It had ferrets in it!  attacking the city -- the city was
>a model and the ferrets were like godzilla I almost fell out of my chair
>when I saw it --- and the greatest ferret sighting of the all is the
>BEASTMASTER where he has them in the movie all the time!
Way cool!  That reminds me of a couple of cute kid's books I've seen:
_Dogzilla_ and _Kat Kong_.  Perhaps the author needs to make a ferret book
too...let's see, _Fertasaurus Rex_?  Maybe _Werefert_?  Or _Count Fertula_?
Perhaps _Ferretamun: Curse of the Ferret's Tomb_?  How about _Fertenstein_?
_Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Fert_?  ;)
-kim, squirt (leave me alone), pippi (putting on some winter weight),
atlas (the world's a bed, you just have to sleep on it), jinx (starting
to shadow mom again), and rosie (the butterball)
Kimberly Burkard     |             _    Everything I needed to know in life,
Eastman Kodak Company|      _____C .._. I learned from my ferret:
Rochester, New York  | ____/     \___/  Frolic and dance for joy often, have
[log in to unmask]    |<____/\_---\_\    no fear or worries, and enjoy life.
[Posted in FML issue 2460]