I heard a horrifying story the other day which I thought I should share.  I
volunteer at a wildlife rehab center and have been getting tons of redbug
(chigger) bites lately.  So, I went to a pharmacist to try to find something
to prevent the bites which would not harm the animals I handle.  Some of
them lick (or chew on) my arms so I need something safe.  In the course of
the conversation, the pharmacist was talking about what you can use after
you're bit.  She said not to use benadryl on bites if you are around
animals.  She had a client who used benadryl on her arms and the baby
squirrels she was raising all licked it and died!!!  Now, that might now be
what killed them, but why take the chance.  I would venture to say it could
hurt our ferret babies also.  So...please think about what you put on your
skin that your babies can have access to.
[Posted in FML issue 2459]