RE:  wet ferret vet bill
It has occured to me that the two poor little ferrets that were stuck out
in the rain might end up with vet bills totaling more than their blood
money.  Sending donations to local shelters sounds like a good idea, but
how about sending a few dollars to the vet caring for these poor wet little
cuties to help with long term affects from their exposure?  Can we have the
vets address posted with assurance that any monies sent would go for their
care, ie: vaccinations, food, etc.  Just looking for options to help!!
RE:  Letterman jokes
I have long since stopped watching The Late Show.  I have always found his
jokes to be lacking in taste and judgement.  AND WE WONDER WHAT HAPPENED TO
SOCIETY THESE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!  His latest antics only prove my point.  I
wish there was some way to get him off the air, but unfortunately there are
many more sick people out there that like him.  I have no intention of
wasting my time to write him, as it would have no weight behind it (since I
don't watch anyway).  But anyone who wishes to convey my ideas may feel
free.  However I wish to remain annonymous if they do quote me.
LASTLY . . . . .
I am a firm believer that anyone who inflicts harm or denies any animal
their basic rights ought to have the same inflicted upon them.
LilLoneWolf & The Fuzzie Carpet Cruisers
Mokey (well said mommy)
Taz (is there gonna be a fight? Let me at 'em!!!!!!!!!!)
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[Posted in FML issue 2459]