Re: Letterman show
Here is the address of CBS president and CEO:
Mr. Mel Karmazin
40 W. 57th Street
New York, NY  10019
To report cruelty to animals, you can also contact
ASPCA Humane Law Enforcement
424 East 92nd Street
New York, NY 10128-6804
(212)  876-7700, ext. 4450
For feedback to Letterman show, can reply via website
David Letterman Show
Ed Sullivan Theater
1697 B'way
New York, NY 10019
Someone had asked about clear dryer tubing
It is available from Sharon Burbine's Ferret Essentials at
Proceeds go to 4 Li'l Paws Shelter in New Hampshire.
No home should be without clear dryer tubing!
We will send out an update on Brookline ferret case and where to send
sympathy letters to owner. Sam has also graciously offered to set up a
website, which will give periodic updates (will post when it is up).
Ronnie in Mass.
[Posted in FML issue 2456]