Thank you everyone that took part in the 'favorite household implements'
vote.  I had 17 voters out of a possible 2952 subscribers which works out
to .0057 percent.  We don't usually have that many voters in a provincial
election so its a pretty high turnout.  Guess lots of you must live in
areas where such votes are 'prohibited by law'.
the most popular item was the vacuum cleaner (long reach type).
the most unthinkable item was a toilet bowl brush - new, never 'used' , but
often abused by the resident ferret as a toy for him to beat up.
the 'new named' implement was a "shish-ka-bob skeer", which was used to
'fish out' items from under beds.  BBQ tongs also fit into this category
but the name wasn't as fancy.
the most sensible item was storage boxes with lock tops
the 'one of a kind' implement was a pink porcupine squeaky toy used to
bring out hiding ferrets.
the least thought of,but most useful item was .........a teapot ! Used to
calm down the hoomans after the ferrets had drove them crazy.
'implements' that didn't really count (or work): a cat and a boyfriend.
[Posted in FML issue 2456]