>My plants are:
>pothos, jade, coffee plant, spider, a common (pointed-oval leaf) tree
>(don't know the name), a plant that looks like a bulb with long narrow
>leaves sprouting up and then down (like a watersprout).
It sounds like you have a Ficus tree and an Amaranthus.  I couldn't find
Amaranthus listed on the non-toxic list, but they can't list every plant.
I also didn't find the coffee plant.  I am not familar with that one,
but the others are listed as non-toxic.  It really shouldn't be an issue
anyway, as ferrets tend to be far more interested in the dirt than the
plant anyway.  The only time they would be interested in putting them in
their mouths would be if they hang down.  Mine leap up and try to pull down
vines that have gotten too long.  Keep those high and trimmed and there
shouldn't be a problem.  I also have as many plants as I can on plant
stands so they can't climb up to them.  Try to keep them away from places
they can climb to, so they can't just leap over from an easy to climb spot.
I feel sorry for any plants they do get hold of.  I am a horticulturist and
have lots of plants that have been sacrificed to the ferret's curiosity.
As for flowers, I don't know exactly what to tell you.  Are you asking
about cut flowers or outdoor annuals or what?  Cut flowers can be from most
any country and is too broad a question.
[Posted in FML issue 2456]