Well...I had BOTH my ferts in to the vet today.  Many thanks to the shelter
folks who helped me make it possible.
Basically, Grover has regained at least some of his weight.  I was,
however, very dissatistifed with the vets' assessment of his weight.  They
said he weighed 2 lbs.  On the instant I got him back to the shelter (a
couple hours) we got him on a more sensitive scale and he weighed 820
grams, which is a lot less than 2 lbs.  I strongly advise any of you to be
cautious when given weight readings from vets, even those who are
supposedly in-the-know as this good doctor was.
I don't necessarily blame the vet, who (I'm told) has treated ferrets
since the 70's.  But I would assume, from the vast discrepancy in weight
measurement, that my kids were weighed on something that did not
distinguish weights on the basis of ounces or grams.  Something for you to
think about.
Something else that happened during the vet visit is that after the
taking-of-the-vitals, my Onyx girl produced a poop with obvious blood in
it.  I scooped it up and presented it to the vet a while later, who was
frankly stunned and said he'd never seen anything like it.  Further
questioning of the vet techs produced the info that Onyx had been VERY
wriggly during her experience with the tech (which I am not suprrised about
at all).  Subsequent poops on her part have been visually blood-free, but
she is on Amoxi just in case, which I totally agree with.  Grover, too, is
also on Amoxi, which I am in less agreement with, but not too much so,
since all of that has been proffered to me free of charge since Onyx's
probs are probably vet-tech induced and Grover is caged with Onyx.  I am
currently waiting on the results of a stool sample from Grover.  The GOOD
news about him is that he has almost gained weight back to when I adopted
him and is still very playful and exploratory.
Anyway...the kids seem to be doing really well, and if the gods and
goddesses out there are kind, maybe we will be all home together really
soon!!!  I am hoping to get together with a wonderful ferret person this
weekend to have a ferret-proofing session in my new home.
My heart and thoughts go out to the poor sick and lost fuzzies who need
extra TLC.  May you find the best possible home and many joyful bouncings
-- Megan
Megan O'Shaughnessy DC LMT
"Progress in ethics is the only cure for progress in science."
-- Dr. Freeman Dyson, quoting Haldane
[Posted in FML issue 2456]