Hello, all!
I am becoming curious about something one my oldest male, Gizmo.  He is
fixed, 5 years old (on 10/9!), and has insulinoma.  He's been on prednisone
to control it for nearly 3 years (in Feb.!).
Recently, I'd say within the last 3 weeks, I've noticed these "jelly rolls"
form under Gizmo's armpits.  I've tried to manipulate them, and they are
very soft and pliable.  The jelly rolls are about the size of my thumb tip.
Near Gizmo's haunches there also appear to be these lumps, though not as
My question is: Is this something I should be concerned about?  Is it
normal for older ferrets?  This is my first "old-timer" so I'm not sure
what to be worried about.
Aileen & the herd
Slinky, Gizmo, Kyle, Noel, & Sandy
[Posted in FML issue 2456]