WOW!!!  I couldn't believe there were that many Floridians floating around
in here.  You are going to make the afternoon of Oct. 24 Th. a day to
remember.  This is just going to be awesome.  I believe I sent out all of
the requested invitations and if you didn't get yours just E me, we still
have time before the deadline.  Oh, I forgot to mention it was FREE plus
oodles of GREAT fuzzy and people door prizes.  For those of you who said
you couldn't attend we will miss you, right guys?  Here is something for
all Floridians to pat themselves on the back for because you obviously
voted in the right candidates for your fuzzies.  Print these out Florida
Ferret Friends, because they are word for word official documents and the
authentic copies are on file at the Brevard Ferret Lovers Rescue Inc.  It
clearly outlines a quarantine period for all fuzzies here in FL.
                            Ferret Friends Forever
CHAPTER 98-178
House Bill No. 3115
An act relating to animals; amending s.  828.30, F.S.; providing for the
rabies vaccination of ferrets; providing for quarantine according to rules;
providing an effective date.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
Section 1.  Section 828.30, Florida Statutes, is ammended to read:
828.30   Rabies vaccination of dogs, cats and ferrets.-
(1) All dogs, cats and ferrets 4 months of age or older must be vaccinated
by a licensed veterinarian against rabies with a United States Government -
approved vaccine.  The cost of vaccination must be borne by the animal's
(2) A dog, cat or ferret is exempt from vaccination against rabies if a
licensed veterinarian has examined the animal and has certified in writing
that at the time the vaccination would endanger the animal's health because
of its age, infirmity, disability, illness or other medical considerations.
An exempt animal must be vaccinated against rabies as soon as its health
(3) Upon vaccination against rabies, the licensed veterinarian shall
provide the animal's owner and the animal control authority with a rabies
vaccination certificate which must contain at least the following
  (a)   The license number of the administering veterinarian.
  (b)   The name, address, and phone number of the veterinarian and owner.
  (c)   The date of vaccination.
  (d)   The expiration date of the vaccine.
  (e)   The species, age, sex, color, breed, weight and name of the animal
  (f)   The rabies vaccine manufacturer.
  (g)   The vaccine lot number and the expiration date.
  (h)   The type and brand of vaccine used.
  (i)   The route of administration of the vaccine.
  (j)   The signature or signature stamp of the licensed veterinarian.
(4) Beggining March 1.  1999, each ferret vaccinated according to this
section must be quarantined, when necessary, according to rules of the
Department of Health.
(5) Violation of this section is a civil infraction, punishable as provided
in s. 828.27(2)
(6) This section does not prohibit or limit municipalities or counties from
enacting requirements similar to or more stringent than the provisions of
this section for the implementation and enforcement of rabies - control
Section 2.  This act shall take effect January 1, 1999.
Approved by the Governor May 22, 1998
Filed in Office Secretary of State May 22, 1998.
[Posted in FML issue 2456]