Okay guys,
I have a few plants around the apartment that I like growing.  I would like
to know what types are bad for ferrets.  I read everywhere that some plants
are poisonous and the only problem is that they never list some of the
plants to keep away from ferrets.
If there is a website with a list, please direct me to it and also maybe
add that link to the ferret central.
My plants are:
pothos, jade, coffee plant, spider, a common (pointed-oval leaf) tree
(don't know the name), a plant that looks like a bulb with long narrow
leaves sprouting up and then down (like a watersprout).
What about flowers?
AND I am absoulutly curious about the augora ferrets.  ANyone got a picture
of them and any info if I should decide that I had to add one to my
John, Soda-Pop and Mocha
email is [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 2455]