Umph.. (stepping up on my soapbox)
I'm hoping that my post today will help some people change cleanliness
habits that are not sufficient.
First off - do you realize that Human Health can be called in if odors or
filth accumulate around your home?  If a neighbor is concerned about a
smell and they contact Human Health, a health officer will visit you and
inspect your home.  If you have filthy cages (and human health officers are
far less accepting than animal health officers) and the officer sees this
as a human health concern, he/she will bring further actions upon you.  You
may loose your ferrets and be restricted from owning them for a time.  This
has happened to two people that I know of and I'm sure it has happened to
more that I don't know of and should happen to others.
Second - Ferrets should not have to live in filth.  This includes dirty
litterboxes that breed bacteria and cause illness, dirty bedding that does
the same, dirty food and water dishes that grow deadly bacteria and stench,
and drop trays that grow mold, bacteria, and stench.  There is a simple
test to figure out if you need to clean the drop tray or food and water
bowls/bottles - put your nose down to the area and take a big sniff.  Water
bowls and drop trays are the worst.  If your ferret sleeps on the bottom
level, your ferret has to breathe the stentch of the filthy drop tray.
Water bowl stink may prevent a ferret from drinking and you may end up with
a dehydrated, sick ferret.
When you let waste accumulate in litter boxes, YOU are teaching the
ferret(s) not to use the litter box.  Litter boxes should be sifted daily
and litter changed as needed (usually 1-3 days depending on number of
If more than one ferret uses the same litter box and one of the ferrets
contracts a bacterial infection, daily (or twice) cleaning the litter box
may help your ferret get well faster (along with a vet visit to determine
the exact bacteria and treatment) and it may also stop your other ferrets
from contracting the same ailment.
Third - Ferrets crave human interaction and activity.  Ferrets that are
left in cages without the daily interaction and activity are treated
worse than human prisoners.  At least human prisoners have recreational
activities, clean rooms, nutritous food and socialization.  These prisoners
have committed horrible crimes and all the ferret has done was to become
part of your family.  Is that how you treat other family members as well?
Fourth - Ferrets depend on their caretakers to cater to their needs.  If
they are thirsty or hungry and the water bowl/bottle or food dish is empty
they are unable to go to the kitchen and get what they need.  Never should
a dish go empty (unless on vet instructions) whether it be water or food.
If you can't provide the basic proper care for ferrets then you need to
find a loving home that can.  This includes all ferret people whether you
are a shelter, breeder, or individual.
I truly ache for those ferrets that are left without food, water,
socialization or activity.  God only knows how much.  Many of my nights
are filled with nightmares for those ferrets.
I'm asking all of you to take a look at how you care for the ferrets in
your home.  Please, I beg of you to do it properly or find someone who can.
It's the least you can do for the ferrets.
In our home the ferret's needs come first and that is the way it should be
because they are so dependent on me for their care.
I know I'm different than most people, but the basic care is a must for
everyone.  I'm not asking you to go to the extremes that I do, only to
provide the basic care the ferrets need and deserve.
Hugs to all. tle
[Posted in FML issue 2455]