I have a 6 year old albino hob.  We adopted him from a shelter and he has
been the laugh of our day.  His name is Boo, and is a perfect ferret.  Boo
unfortunately is stone deaf.  This has made training very hard as he does
not come (unless he feels like it) and has not taken to potty training very
well.  He just didn't like pooping in the same place twice.  So my husband
and I went to PetSmart (chain store) and purchased "Puppy Training Pads"
these pads are scented to attract animals to urinate on them.  Well what
Boo looses in hearing he makes up 10 times in smell.  We put the pad down
and he immediately came ambling across the room and used the pad!!!  Happy
Day.  We put the pad in an out of the way corner (where our human kid can't
reach) and Boo uses it almost every time.
I hope this helps some other potty training parents.
Dooks to all
Cherie Schultz.
[Posted in FML issue 2454]