To all of you who have been so helpful about Happy's chemo.  He crossed the
bridge yesterday.  He was very peaceful, I had been holding him and he
wanted back into his bed.  He wouldn't eat or drink anything and that told
me that it was almost time for him to cross.  I told him that we would miss
him a lot but that he could go see his brothers and sisters who were angel
ferts waiting for him.  Damn....I don't care how many times we go through
this..Its hard.  He was only 3 years old, too young to leave.  The other
kids miss him.  They have been going into his bed and sniffing for him.  He
was the eldest.  Just wanted to say thanks to all who offered the good
advice about chemo.  Hopr I don't have to make that decision again.
Gay and 5 kids missing their bro.
Ferret Haven Shelter/Rescue of Boise
[Posted in FML issue 2453]