Hey!  Another ferret in the movies.  This movie is a number of years old,
and information may be widespread about the ferret involvement, but I've
never seen it before in the FML, so maybe some of you have not seen the
connection either.  The movie is Short Circuit, and stars Ally Sheedy.  I
was watching it the other night while on a trip to California (It was on
HBO, I think), and there she was holding a beautiful sable ferret!  She's a
animal lover with bunches of critters she takes care of, and well....the
movie isn't important, the ferret sighting is!  Rent it if you haven't seen
it.  Aside from the fert, it's a cute movie.  Tuck Kemper
Proudly owned by Major Burns (ferret face), and Scooter (the Dook of Earl)
Thomas W. Kemper, Jr.
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[Posted in FML issue 2448]