Dera FML,
As is the usual case, I am looking for ways to raise money to pay for
vaccinations that everybody is behind on since all of my shelter budget
went to treat the ECE outbreak that hit me.  The vet bill is almost paid
off but that leaves me with almost 30 ferrets that are behind in their
vaccinations.  With the holiday season coming I was wondering if anybody
has tried fundraising during this time of year and what you have tried.
The household budget is set and I really hate to take on 2 jobs to try to
get everything else caught up.  I currently have only 4 being treated with
meds for adrenal disease and 1 for insulinoma.  Molly is the only 1 to have
surgery and that was such a failure that now I just treat with the meds
because the money just is not there to try surgery again.  I saw a bumper
sticker 1 time that read, "It will be a great day when schools have all the
money they need and the air force has to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber".
That would be true for animal shelters as well.  Any ideas would be greatly
Diana and The Ferret Farm
[Posted in FML issue 2478]