I have to confess that up in my attic (its in a box, haven't seen it for a
few years) is something my grandmother left me.  They have little heads and
tails and feet, all connected, leather nose parts and glass eyes.  I used
to think they were minks, but I think (now that there are 11 hopping around
in their room) that they could be ferrets.  Too small for minks, sable
colored, but a really nice sable color.
Honestly, I'd never buy them.  Since Grandma was alive when I got these
things 18 years ago (I was a vegetarian then too!) I couldn't hurt her
feelings and refuse them.  She thought she was giving me something of great
value that one of her husbands gave her in her youth.  Considering Gramma's
taste in husbands and her lack of knowledge about what might be a mink or a
ferret (or should I say "fitch") I suspect this husband gifted her with the
cheaper version.  I also got a full length coat that I sold, which was made
of something called a nutrea - a big RAT!  She got that from the last
husband, I think.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my ferret scarf, except maybe
auction it off to benefit a ferret shelter?
[Posted in FML issue 2478]