Dear friends,
Well after almoat 3 months without eating or drinking on his own the ECE
that Chena had has finally seem to run its course.  Yestreday morning as I
wsa talking to my vet on the phone I noticed that Chena was following me
around the room with his eyes and he seemed much more alert.  A few minutes
later he began to attack the water bottle.  I informed the vet who of
course remained cautiously optimistic.  Afew hours later I heard crunching
noises from the living room and peeked my head around expecting to see my
insulinomic Grandpa chowing down again and much to my delight it was Chena
and he spent a whole 10 minutes at the food dish!  :) He is attacking his
food with much relish.  Thank you all so much for all your advice and
encouragment to hang in ther even if Chena appeared to only be holding his
own.  You are all such a great support system.  Thank you to God for
answered prayers. :)  I still ache for my 1 fatality, Jasper but at night
when I am looking at the night sky and see the stars twinkling and the
Northern Lights dancing.  I imagine that he his up there with his little
feet restored and playing tag with the Northern Lights and leap frog with
the Twinkling Stars.  Until we can be together again and cross the bridge
with all my other fur children I think of you all often and know that you
are safe with our Lord.
Diana and The Ferret Farm
[Posted in FML issue 2478]