Dear FML
I have not posted for a long time.  I have an emergency, I think.  I have
seven ferrets.  Six of them play together, one doesn't know that the other
ferrets are playmates, he attacks, to kill.
I am writing about one of the six.  I don't know which one though.  Tonight
when I was cleaning up the usual debris (dug up plants, missed litter box
deposits, etc) after a night of the usual mayhem I found something *very*
disturbing.  One of the six left a near hit by the kitched litter box.
Unfortunately I saw something in the urine that looked like blood.  I wiped
it up with a paper towel and noticed that it appeared to be bloody tissue.
Where do I start?  Nobody (except one of the foster kids) appears to be
sick.  The Ziggy (the foster guy) is losing fur all over his shoulders,
chest, belly, and back (he would be my first guess for the sick potty
donor).  He's scheduled to go to the vet on Friday.  Don't worry he's going
to the good ferret vet, the one the shelter uses.  Ziggy is 6 years old,
and he's a likely prospect for the bloody tissue deposit.  I just hope it
isn't one of the other guys
The other ferrets (except Tatiana who is Ziggy's hammock mate, and as I
recall is around 3) are mostly just over a year old.  Everyone gets a
mixture of totally ferret, eukanaba, nutro max and one other kitty food
that had high ratings.  I can't remember, but I have it written down on a
piece of paper that I take to the store when I buy food, so that I only
buy good stuff.  I use a half and half mix of stove chow pellets, and
yesterday's news for litter, and everyone is current on vaccinations.  I
have kept up with regular check-ups, and keep litter boxes, cages and
bedding very clean.  Treats are limited to a few drops of ferretone, a
raisen (or two or three), and a couple or three ferret bite treats per day.
Other animals in the house are a goldfish, aquatic frogs, a corn snake, and
mice (snake food).
Any ideas?  Please e-mail me directly at: [log in to unmask]
Thanks in advance (see my other post if Big includes it).  Dawn
[Moderator's note: This is the only post that came in from you, but it came
in just before the FML was to go out, so perhaps the others didn't yet
arrive.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2477]