I thank you all, my wonderful support network.  I intend to answer all the
mails I got expressing sympathy, but just haven't felt up to it yet.  I was
pretty much in shock last night, and this morning, it hit me really hard.
Unfortunately, that was at work.  But tonight, we did something that helped
both me, and Chuck, and Dessie.  We were worried about Dessie, because he
kept looking for Quinn, and he was getting scared, started biting again,
and no happy dooks.  So, this evening, we went to a local breeder/shelter
and we chose a pretty little chocolate retiring jill.  She's only about 1
&1/2 years old, but she has cataracts, and doesn't see well, and they were
afraid of that trait being bred.  So, now she will become a member of our
little family.  Dessie's so excited!  But he is really trying to establish
himself as alpha ferret, except, she's 3 times his size!  So, he keeps
losing.  She's gotten a bit intense with him in one session, so we are
doing short times together, seperate cages for now.  But I feel pretty sure
that they will bond well.
Seeing this lady's beautiful pets, and her love for them really cheered me
up alot.  She has a line that Quinn's father came from.  Chuck said that
when they have kits next year, he'd like one.
Thanks again, for being there, and letting me get some of this grief out.
[Posted in FML issue 2477]