Jo- Taz is going to be 5 months?  Sounds like he may be going through
"adolescence", an oh-so-lovely time in most species development when they
become irritating and annoying!  :-) Seriously, all ferrets go through an
adolescence around 5-7 months, and start doing all the things you thought
they'd stopped doing (or never did): biting, scratching, etc.  It will go
away with love and patience and alot of firm discipline.  Oh, yeah, and
time. ;-)
Quarrantines.  Ah, duh.  When I picked up Kayla from the SPCA I didn't even
think of it.  It was only when they were romping around together less than
24 hours later that I realized how utterly foolish I had been.  I thank God
for His mercy and that she was fairly healthy.
The one thing I really need with ferrets is an insuite washing machine.
The thought of having one actually in my house is enough to make me drool
with envy.  You know you own ferrets when the ferrets have 3 times as many
more towels as the hoomans and they get washed more often.  :-)
Jasper, Baxter & Kayla
 Ferret Proverb: A raisin in the mouth is worth two in the hand...
 but try to get those too.
[Posted in FML issue 2477]