Warning: should anyone notice very unusual lights, which may well be in
great profusion -- especially in the regions around Australia and Asia --
on November 16th through 18th, please, know that most of them will simply
be the (possibly) best Leonid meteor shower in 33 years; HOWEVER,
intelligence has uncovered that among the swarm (hiding under their cover)
will be well-shielded IFLN (Intergalactic Ferret Liberation Navy) space
ships intent upon passing along new raisin acquision devices and hover
shoes for defeating barriers to FLO operatives.  The good news is that a
communique was intecepted which mentioned that the new and improved
teleportation device has been found to have a major flaw and can not be
released since captive humans on the home planet were winding up with
ferret brain patterns and visa versa.  All human FLOC (Ferret Liberation
Organization Control) Officials are warned to call out extra survelliance
to monitor FLO personnel and intercept such devices for immediate transport
to Area 52.
[Posted in FML issue 2477]