Hi all, and "Dooka-Dook" to all fuzzies !!
Been a while since I've posted, been busy and trying to read all the
newletters that have backed up in my computer.
About a month ago I was in the pet store at the mall I work at.  Since I
got my first fuzzy (FURRICE) there I always stop in to speak with the clerk
and play with the new arrivals.  Some of the salesclerk are not very
"fuzzy- knowledgable" so I share some of my experiences with them.  A few
times I've been called down there to help answer questions from prospective
fuzzy owners.  If I don't know the answer I can normally direct them to one
who does.  I've even invited some folk to my home to see my ferts when then
insist that they can be "vicious and biters".  After a while of playing
mith my group, they tend to think differently.
By the way, what is a group of fuzzies called ?  I know a group of lions is
a "pride".  Is it a "Flurry" of fuzzies?  Oh, well - should be.
One day at the pet shop I was talking to a coworker.  When I told her about
my fuzzies, she asked if I knew of a shelter or someone who would want some
more.  Seems she had 2 that she could not keep.  Intact male and female,
both 10 weeks old.  Gee, guess where they went.
The male is kinda sable with white throat and paws.  My roommate commented
on the paws saying it looked like he was wearing socks.  Ok, "SOCKS" it is.
The female was a small albino with a wonderful free spirit.  She was given
the name of "SPRITE".  So I now have a "Silly~Slinky~Sixpack".
A word about shelters - SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHELTERS !!  Three of my fuzzies
came from the Oregon Ferret Shelter.  They are three of the most loving
ferts I have ever owned.  "HERSHEY" was a survivor of the Spokane incident.
I finally read the whole account of what happened there.  I held HERSHEY
and could not help but cry for the others.  He just lay there in my arms
kissing and licking away the tears.
Additionally, I keep in contact with Chris at the shelter to let her know
how my adoptees are doing.  She keeps me informed about vets, food, and
other subjects I may need.  Her EM box is always open to me.  By supporting
shelters you not only aid fuzzies who need love and care, you may also have
a plethora of knowledge and support at your fingertips.  One of my ferts
was ill a few days ago.  I knew Chris would be there with advice.  A
neighbors fuzzy became ill as well - Chris helped give the information we
Love your fuzzies and help support the shelters.  If not money, how about
time?  I know I am going to ask if I can help at the shelter on some days.
Fuzzies need lovin' and it will help me to learn more.  Ok, Love your
fuzzies, support the shelters, and help educate people about "fuzzy love"---
hmmm, think there is more to that but, it's play time.  My "Flurry" is
waiting for me !!
Kevin B  and the SIlly~Slinky~Sixpack
Furrice / Lacy / Simon / Hershey / Socks / Sprite / Fur-Angel Lady
[Posted in FML issue 2477]