I really feel for poor Gizmo; it sounds likes he has EXACTLY what I have
(me, a hooman).  I've had a condition called dermatitis for close to ten
years now and it seems to be getting worse.  There are a few things I know
to a avoid that cause outbreaks, but for the most part, I just don't know
why I am so itchy all of the time (I get actual little blisters now too,
and that makes it worse).
Things that work for me: calamine lotion and general unscented moisturizer
But what works best of all is hydrocortisone cream perscribed by my doctor.
The major drawback is that hydrocortisone cream (actually any topical
steroid) causes thinning of the skin after prolonged use, and if it is used
to heavily, can be absorbed systemically.  I try to only use it when I'm
*that* desperate for relief.
I feel for you, Gizmo!  Try not to scratch, it only makes it worse (I know,
but it feels *so* good.  *G*)
Take care, Melanie.
[Posted in FML issue 2477]