Hi supporters,
Me again.  Today I finally took all 3 of my babies to the vet today after
contemplating if I should.  If it wasn't for my mom I would be at the vet's
office EVERYDAY!!  (I'm a neurotic mommy!)  This time I thought that it was
the right time because I new that things weren't right.  I wonder if you
guys remember I posted about all 3 being very itchy.  Well, it got to a
point where Maggie was scratching her ears until they bleed and got scabby.
I didn't think that she was having problems with her ears until lastnight
when I noticed how uncomfortable she was.  She was shaking her head,
rubbing her ears against anything possible and what bothered me the most
was she was moaning in her sleep.  I made an appointment for just Maggie
but I decided to take Spanky and Smokie too.  It ends up that all 3 have
ear mites and were given a shot.  One thing I learned from this experience
was that ear mites create itches from the head to the tail.  So all of the
oatmeal baths were not necessary.  I have to go back next week for one more
shot just to make sure that they are all DEAD!!!
So on top of all of the things going on in my life (with Smokie), it
appears that Smokie was the one with the ear mites and gave them to Maggie
and Spanky.  Talk about neglect huh?  Oh yeah, so with this whole boyfriend
situation, I basically in nice words told him lastnight that I vaguely see
him in my future and to give me some time to work things out.  What's funny
is that I was with him for 4 years and would you believe that he doesn't
even know how to get to my house without directions (that he doesn't have).
So things with him are over and he doesn't have to bother me or Smokie
On top of all of this, I lost my job 2 days ago so this vet visit was going
to be a doozie.  But on a nicer note, my vet just charged me for the visit
and one shot instead of a triple booking and 3 shots.  Cool huh?  He told
me that next week he'll only charge me for one shot and no visit.  I got to
give him a lot of credit because not only is he a great vet but he is an
extremely kind person who isn't in it for the money, he's in it for the
PET's!  So I'm dusting myself off and getting on with my life.  I graduate
DeVry in June so I'll actually have a career by then so this job thing
isn't such a loss.  I'm thinking about opening up a shelter when the doe
finally comes in so maybe you'll see me around in a couple of years.
Once again I'm so thankful for all of your support, without everyone here I
think I would have gone crazier than I am going.  Thanks for keeping me
sane and I'm so sorry for not writing back to all of you.  I will be
writing back to each of you, I just haven't had the time.
Thanks again & to all of the fuzzies that are sick or have crossed the
bridge, you are in my prayers!
-Kaycie and the trio
-----Spanky "Yeah no more oatmeal baths!"
-----Maggie "Thanks mommy, I'm feeling a lot better!"
-----Smokie "I'm sorry for giving you guys ear mites."-----
[Posted in FML issue 2476]