Hello all,
Six weeks ago I posted about our little shelter baby that was lost.  Well
today we got her back.  Six weeks and two days after she left.  Some
children found her wondering in a park.  I haven't been able to find out
which park so that I would know how far she had gotten.  They turned her
over to one of the pet stores I visit and they called me.  The stores do
not resell the ferts that are turned into them anymore.  Guess I'm getting
through to them finally.  YEA!!!
Thats all I wanted to say this time.  Dooks and Fuzzy Hugs to all....
Gay  &  5 +4
Charlie, Chester, Felix, Prissy, Daisy Mae  (our nutty bunch)
Cinnamon girl, Magee, Silver, Gina (shelter babies waiting for a new
[Posted in FML issue 2475]