Okay, I know it's gonna be darned hard to beat my vet... but I reckon some
of you may think that you all have better vets than I do!!
If any of you are from Whangarei, New Zealand, I'd suggest you'd visit the
Animal Health Centre at:
2 South End Ave
(09) 438 8677
*MY* vet is particularly good for several reasons:
1.  They like ferrets (important point!!)
2.  They play with my ferrets and know them and their history.
3.  They are willing to answer questions and concernes over the phone
4.  They are willing to accept and ask for help if they need it (e.g. if
    they haven't a clue, they'll tell me, then make phone calls, read books,
    and get me to search on the 'net for answers)
5.  They'll take in and read all the information handed to them, and
    study it.
6.  They ask about my ferrets even when I'm calling them about something
7.  They visit me at my house
8.  Most times they'll take my suggestions into consideration and tell me
    honestly if they agree or disagree (e.g. if I'm being a paranoid mama
    or have legitimate concerns)
9.  They'll let me call any time of the day or night
10. They can now do blood tests 'in-clinic'
11. They don't mind when I come in to show off my babies
12. They actually LIKE looking at the stuff I brought back from the States
13. They don't mind me paying them off in payments
14. They love it when I over pay them
15. They can make some sense out of my ramblings
16. If one vet is away, all the vets like my ferrets, so they have all
    learned what they can about them
17. They're willing to learn
18. They're willing to check out other sources if they're unsure about
19. They supply me with my ferrets food (Iams Kitten) and allow me to put
    *that* on tab too
20. If I raise a concern with them, they'll listen and address it when I
    ask - not put it off till 'later'
21. They know my voice on the phone (I haven't needed to say who it was on
    the phone since the first week I was with them!!)
22. If I drop in unexpectedly with an animal, they see me as soon as
    possible (generally fairly close to immediately!)
23. When I have to wait at the clinic for a while, they'll offer drinks,
    and will come out to talk (if there aren't other clients, of course)
So.... if you think your vet can beat mine, I challenge you all to step
up and brag about 'em on the FML - and let the world know just how good
they are :o)
Betcha mine's the best though ;o)
[Posted in FML issue 2451]