-----Smokie----"Thank you mommy from saving me from that wicked man who
                didn't love me as much as you do, I'M HOME!!!!"
If this is how you think your little Smokie is looking at it, I would say
that says it all.  Does your boyfriend spend a lot of time with Smokie?
Does he miss him or is it a matter of "you gave him to me so I want him
back".  Why don't you bring your boyfriend home for a week so he feels
special too.  He could sleep in a hammock!  No no, just kidding!  It sounds
kinda funny to me that he never wants to see them again.  Doesn't sound too
mature to me.
If your boyfriend is jealous of your ferrets, it sounds like he may have
some issues.
Kym, Oso and Widget
[Posted in FML issue 2474]