Hey Ya'll,
Well, as for fossilized ferret finds, I must admit to finding some archane
scrawls on the wall, and for a moment, out of the corner of my eye, they
looked like the letters f, l, and o.  And although there were no pics of
cats, there was evidence of pointy ears and eyes.  Hmm...
Catherine's entire trip is being planned by Missouri folk.  Surely she
doesn't want to spend time with relatives and visiting childhood friends?
We all know she would rather spend time playing with ferrets and their
human slaves.
We are trying to plan a dinner for her to meet some of my most wonderful St
Louis friends here and get to visit the shelter kids too.  And the 90 pound
ferret.  And I must not forget my wonderful little fuzzy niece, Luna(tic).
Serra Cane, a fellow fml'er and Columbia resident, came over especially to
meet the hoblets yesterday.  She has refused to enlarge her crew from 5, so
just waits for ferret math to set in at my house and then visits.  The boys
were very good with her and put on quit a show.  I just cannot explain how
funny it is to see these two short fat bodies trying to dance around and
chase each other.  Or when they laid next to each other and acted the
fierce ferrets and mouthed the air in each others general direction.  hehe.
On a somewhat serious note.  Of late, it seems anyone acting like a friend
of mine is getting instructions on dealing with my mental health and my
ferrets from someone in the Northeastern U.S.  And this woman is supposedly
passing on things I said to her.  All I have to say is that she has never
been a friend of mine.  All of my bestest friends live in the South, in
Missouri, or on the West coast of the U.S.  So be warned, I don't know how
personal sounding the comments on this forum have to be to generate this
mail, so anyone talking about me here may be subjected to this.  Take it
for what it is: absurb, as without meaning.
Oh, I saw the most wonderful thing at Petco here yesterday.  Went with
Serra for litter and saw this cat tree made out of some type of moulded
plastic.  It had sloping ramps, open ledges and closed compartments as well
as places to hang toys.  The same company had, get this, a kitty sock
drawer toy thing and a kitty chair.  It is a must have, but start saving
your pennies now for Christmas.  Very expensive.
Off to the store for food, need to feed my soul with good stuff.  And of
course, stock up on goodies for the ferrets.
hugs to all,
Maggie Mae and her Mob of Missouri Monkeys of Mayhem
"And most of all would I flee from the cruel madness of love,
The honey of poison-flowers and all the measureless ill."
Tennyson, "Maud"
[Posted in FML issue 2474]