Dear FML REaders-
This is Ewok--
I am feeling a bit better, erh brighter today on my heart stuff-- so I
wanted to help the shelter folks by making the BIG announcement ( hehe
sorry BIG)..  The Winners in the Gabriel's Quillow rafle were drawn on Sept
30th-- everyone has been notified and teh prizes are sent so-- for all you
kind and big hearted folks who supprted the shelter ( and helped pay for
the kid Caspers surgery and care) I want to announce that winners were:
3rd prize- pottery mug with ferret design
MIchelle Chemiel, NY
2nd prize- a custom specialty safari design oversize sleeper hammock
Audrey Andrews, NY
1st prize- "Gabriels' Quillow" a hand made quillow in red and ivory with
portrait panel of our shelter kid Gabriel
Lisa Dyment . MA
We thank everyone who helped with this project which earned $90.00 for vet
bills.  Additionally we would like to thank the supporters and great folks
of SOS for a donation to Fisherville Animal Hospital on Caspers account.
In the end Caspers rehabilitation will most likely come close to $1,000.
BUT-- he is young and now becoming more vibrant each day.  We think he was
worth it!
Casper FerretWise is making some progress.  His new mediciation sucralfate,
amoxy adn Biaxin is helping.  His stools are slowly starting to show signs
of normalizing--- this is so hopeful after all the months of watching,
waiting and surge-- it is hopeful he will be adoptable!!!  HIs pathology is
all normal-- no big worries once the GI tract is re established.  Casp[er
is playful and has put on some good solid weight.  Since his surgery the
paleness of his complexion has grown bright and pink!
Again we thank you for supporting Gabriel's fund which helps rehabilitate
these ferrets who would otherwise be chasing rainbows due to neglect and
abusive care...   Please keep our kids and angels in your parayers-- as we
all do you!
Please visit the shelter page at
for all of us at Ferret Wise
[Posted in FML issue 2451]