Hi, This is only my second post and I hope it isn't so long I am run
off!!!!  The last time I wrote I told you all that we had bought a little
girl for our boy Pasha.  We named her Yoshi.  Not surprising, they have
totally opposite personalities.  Pashi is sweet, full of boundless energy
and a real kissy ferret.  He loves to play and plays for hours.  Yoshi is
sweet also but bites very hard and isn't nearly as energetic.  We are
kindly and patiently working on the biting problem.  Sometimes she seems to
remember that she can't bite us hard.  She is tiny though and only about 7
weeks old.  Pasha is 12 weeks old and a lot bigger.  We are a bit worried
about Yoshi.  She caught a cold yesterday and is sneezing alot.  If she
isn't better tomorrow I will take her to the vet if I can get in.  She is
eating, playing and biting so I am not too alarmed.  Is there anything in
particular I should look for or guard against.  Should i start giving her
duck soup?  If anyone knows a good vet in the Bangor, Me area please let me
know.  My vet is wonderful with my cats and rabbits but she has little or
no experience with exotics.
Kaycie, You have not been unreasonable.  Stand your ground.  I will keep my
opinions to myself concerning your friend but if you love animals and
respect them and want them to be comfortable steer clear of men that don't
share your interests and concerns.  You will be in for a lot of heartache
if you don't.  I speak from experience.  Steve my husband loves animals and
is good about my near obssession with them.  My ex-husband was a whole
different story.  The best of luck to you honey.  KEEP Smokie with you!!!!!
Aileen I was so sorry to hear about your sweet friend Niko.  I am sure he
is on the Bridge with all the other creatures.  It is my understanding that
all of our critter friends are welcome there.  Find peace that you loved
and took care of him and he had a happy life.  You sound like a wonderful
critter Mom.
Steve, the Rainbow Bridge Poem is beautiful and made me weepy.  I have had
several friends make the journey in the past 20 years.  I wish you luck
with your posters and cards.
Alia, I am green with envy.  I didn't know that there was any such thing as
a lap ferret!!!!  That must be so cool.  Mine won't stay still a minute for
me to hold them unless they have played real hard.  Yoshi likes to sit on
the top of my head for some reason.  She frequently makes the climb!!  Best
wishes for your new arrivals Alia.
Barbara, The rice is still a huge hit at my house.  They only get to play
in it while I am in the room.  They love it and spend hours digging and
playing in it.  My babies love apples and sometimes raisins.  How often can
I give them treats?  Is twice a day too much?  How about food.....I let
them free feed just like all my animals.
Thank you all!  Love and Best wishes to all the sick ferrets.
Victoria, Hannah, Josie, Misha, Mimi, Mitzi, Milo, Angel, Freddie, Hootie,
Big Jake and Crazy the R
[Posted in FML issue 2474]