The GLFA Ferret Rennaisance '98 is history and it was a great day.  There
is nothing in the world like spending a weekend with ferret people!!!
Brandon, I'm glad you and yours had a good time.
The only complaint I heard related to directions sent.  A map that was sent
was off the Internet (Mapquest) and from the corporation itself was very
misleading.  Some people searched for 2 hours and on behalf of the GLFA, I
apologize.  My only explanation is the Capital Centre (our building being
The Summit) is a brand new venture in the Lansing area and as such is work
in progress and we were in on the ground floor.  Unfortunately, all the
bugs weren't worked out this time around.  I will tell you that it will be
our permanent home for our Fall Shows (knock on wood & hope that Murphy's
Law bypasses us) (and the next one is October 2).  I am happy to say that
the same company who owns/operates The Capital Centre is building the same
type of facility in Monroe, Michigan and we will be having our Spring Show
there.  So mark May 15, 1999 in your calendar for the GLFA Spring Show
(knock on wood again).
All in all, the day was great.  Even the weather was with us because it was
a gorgeous autumn day in Michigan.  As Brandon stated in his posting, The
Summit had other events going on, too.  There was ice skating, gymnastics
and even a wedding in progress at the same time as our show.  The wedding
party wandered thru during the judging later in the evening (I know the
bride was holding ferrets but I don't think she was "poofed " by anybody.
Can you imagine explaining that to the dry cleaners when you take your
dress in to be cleaned after the wedding?).  Personally, I enjoyed meeting
people who had called me for information about the Show as well as friends
I hadn't seen in a long time.  We didn't get out of the building until
after midnite so it was a long day and I know a lot of you can relate to
At this time GLFA would like to thank the wonderful people who donated to
our raffle (and if I leave anyone out, I'm apologize..... no oversite
Custom Creature Comforts
Nok-Out Odor Eliminator
Morgan Designs
Marshall Pet Products
Rascal's Hideout
Bio-Derm Laboratories
Sun Seed Company
United Vaccines Inc.
Kong Company
Warm Fuzzy Ferret Rescue
Coastal Pet Products
8-in-1 Pet Products
Pets International
LM Animal Farm
Rainbow Bridge
Hyper-Fur Products
Four Paws
The Crafty Ferret
GLFA would also like to thank vendors who participated:
Oxy Fresh
Photos with Flair
B10 Ferrets
Ferret Warez
Happy Critters
Shadow Ferrets
Custom Creatures Comforts
Kits Original's and New York Ferrets
Ferret Reflections
Flemming Farms
Rainbow River
Exclusively Ferrets
Scarlett's Happy Dookers
Natures' Den
Warm Fuzzy Rescue
Ferret Madness
Cozy Zone
Dream Time Ferretry
HighLander Ferretry
Southeast Michigan Ferrets
Nok-Out Odor Eliminator
Beautiful Beadin'
Mischief Maker's Ferretry
Shannon Valley Ferretry
Ralph & Judy York
McFerret Acres
I'll do another post shortly with the winners of the classes.
Beau & Nilla (who would both rather stay home next time, thank you very
[Posted in FML issue 2473]