If I look different it's because I'm actually posting from my home address
instead of using those vital company resources. Narf!
Anyway, I wanted to thank everyone who responded about my mom's hurking
ferret.  The general consensus seemed to be an gastrointestinal obstruction.
So my mom took your advice and took Suzy to the vet for a barium scan.  The
good news is that Suzy doesn't have a blockage.  The bad news is Suzy has
Snuffleupagus Syndrome.  Actually, it's called Megasophagus.  This is when
the esophagus becomes enlarged due to the muscles in that area getting
wimpy(there's an actual medical term but it's huge and I can't spell,
pronounce, or remember it).  The scan showed the esophagus about 2x as
large as it should be.  The vet also pH tested some of the vomit (which
Suzy was happy to do all over my mom), and it wasn't acidic enough to be
from the stomach.  So the stuff that she had been hurking up didn't even
reach the stomach.  The really, really bad news is that it's not curable or
even treatable.  At least according to the Ferret, Rabbit, & Rodent med
book.  Most ferrets with megasophagus are recommended to be euthanized.
Fortunately, Suzy is not as bad as some of the pictures in the book.
The vet did perscribe some medicine, but it's more so my mom feels better
doing something about it.  He doesn't have much confidence it will actually
help.  He also told my mom to put Suzy's food and water dishes up higher so
Suzy has to stand up on her back legs to eat.  This is so gravity can help
get the food all the way down.  If that doesn't work it's syringe feeding
I would like to know if anyone else out there has dealt with this.Or if any
of you experienced ferret people have any input on the subject, me and my
mom would really appreciate it.  Acordiing to the book, it's a fairly rare
thing in ferrets.  And if you have dealt with it what did you do about it.
From the frayed edges of sanity,
Limejello & The Weezils of Doom
"Ferrets are great, what other pet folds neatly  in half for easy storage."
[Posted in FML issue 2473]