I went to the LIFE page and looked at the show standards for ferrets, and
it seems that Dessie is a Heavy Silver, by their definition.  I couldn't
find a silver category at all in the AFA, so no help there.  But LIFE
describes heavy silver as having gun-metal gray points and the mask as more
a smudge under the eyes, and mitts and bib, all which Dessie has.  It also
states that it is sometimes mistaken for sable, which he has been.  So, I
feel fairly comfortable in this classification of him.
Craig, I went to the daffinitions page, and this is what I got:
The requested URL /~clovell/daffy.fertdict.htm was not found on this
There was also some additional information available about the error:
[Sun Oct 25 11:47:14 1998] access to
/hd1/u2/clovell/public_html/daffy.fertdict.htm failed for
nrm250083.columbus.rr.com, reason: File does not exist
Eek!  The dreaded 404!  I'd love to read it, though, so if you can tell
me what the problem is, I'd be forever grateful!
[Moderator's note: See corrected address in another post.  BIG]
>My ferret is 3 years old and since a few months she eats more then she did
>before.  Do you think it might be a sign of something?
Chanel, I'm no expert, but I have heard others saying it's going to be a
bad winter, maybe time to fatten up??
I noticed the leakiness of the ferretone bottle, as well, but I purchased a
baby animal bottle at the store, and put my ferretone in that, and give the
boys treats with it.  They like to lick it off of the bottle nipple, and we
don't have much trouble with leaks.  It works well to squirt it on the
food, too.
Lol, Sukie, I noticed it too, but just assumed (ferrets are troll dolls,
teddy bears, and collector plates)
Well, so far, neither of the boys has shown any signs of blockage, and I'm
going to up the dosages and include cooking oil, at Josephine's suggestion
(thank you very much).  Today, I'm going to check all the poopies.
That Rainbow Bridge story gets me everytime, I swear I'm not going to cry,
until I hit the part 'but the day will always come when one will stop and
look into the distance.  The ferret's eyes become bright and intent, the
eager body begins to quiver.'  Then I'm crying again.
Thanks to you all and BIG for making this not just an informational forum,
but a great big family of ferrets and the human slaves ;)
[Posted in FML issue 2473]