The more I think about doing ferret soaps as a fundraiser for SOS, the
better I like the idea!  A number of people were kind enough to write to me
indicating that they like the idea, too.  Now, I just need to figure out
the logistics.
In answer to your question, Sukie, I'd probably stick with three or four
basic colour/scent combinations to keep things simple and managable.  (I
can always do unscented/uncoloured soaps, too, if anyone really wants
those.)  The scents I was considering at the moment were: vanilla, green
apple, peach and raspberry.  I'd like to do a "masculine" scent, too, but
am not sure what's appropriate.  Any thoughts on that would be gratefully
received.  Thanks!
- Ela
   (000)___(000)        Ela Heyn
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[Posted in FML issue 2472]