Greetings from "Behind The Zion Curtain!"  Looks like I'm FINALLY going to
get to go home to Missouri for the first time in almost 10 YEARS ( 91/2
actually, but hey!).  I'm flying out of Salt Lake City on the afternoon of
November 3rd, then returning from Lambert field around 8 p.m. on the 6th.
Short trip, but I fully intend to make the best possible use of it!
I'm finally going to meet, IN PERSON, one of my bestest friends in the
whole wide world MO MAGGIE!  I am very excited.  I am proud to call her
one of my best friends even though we've never had the chance to meet in
person, just hours on the phone and the computer.  I'll also get to see my
"little sister" (otherwise masquerading as a bald poodle) who is boarding
at "Auntie Maggie's" house until I can relocate.  (Long story, too long
for here, about my Mother's moving there to take care of 91 year old
Grandma.......) Hope I get to meet some other's I've talked, e-mailed and
generally gotten to know too.
Hard part of this trip is that I will go through FERRETY WITHDRAWL.......
my precious Angels obviously cannot make the flight with us.  (I think TWA
would have a stroke if I smuggled in four furries.........) So, Maggie my
dear, I'm going to have to maul, kiss, cuddle etc., your babies.  I'll even
have to KISS THEM ON THE LIPS .....(I know, eww......but I do it anyway.....
bald poodles, too!)
Also, update on Kimberly in Utah.........I talked to Kim.  The one fellow,
as everyone knows, is opting for a jury trial on both the animal cruelty
and the felony witness tampering.  Then, the other fellow who had the bench
warrent turned himself in.  YEAH!  With all the hate crime garbage going on
lately, this is good to know.  But, sadly enough, Kim overheard the one
slimeballs attorney talking to the district attorney trying to "make a
deal." He said "I mean, it's just like if you killed a rat, right?" (Or
something close to that.  He did say that killing a ferret was no worse
than killing a rat) Kim heard him exactly, and I'm afraid maybe I misplaced
a word or two, but CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?  Then the DA said "Oh, and have you
met Kimberly, the RAT'S, as you called it, owner?" I will be very
interested to find out what goes down.  If I can, when all this Mom moving
and my trip is over, I would love to get time off and drive down to Provo
for that guy's trial.  Anyone else in the Salt Lake City area want to make
a trip one day?  I've got room for 6 others in my minivan............
I'd like to show that guy a rat........
Catherine, Pato, Snowball, Hubert and Elsie
"Behind The Zion Curtain..............and we ain't no RATS, Mommy!"
[Posted in FML issue 2471]