One of the saddest things for me is to lose a friend.  Last Friday I had to
put KC to sleep, she had suffered enough through cancer.KC was 7 when she
died.  She was a strong presence that will be incredibly missed.  I wanted
to share a piece of her life with that her memory will not die with
me.  I can remember the day I brought her home.  She was so beautiful.  It
was the first winter I was in Colorado.  I had two other ferrets at the
time.  KC had to deal with a jealous other ferret, Kitty.  KC was so good
with her rival.  While the other ferrets tried to escape, find ways of
getting out, KC never seemed to want to leave.  As it ended up, there were
now two boys in the family and then KC.  She was so strong, held her own in
the mock battles.I would find her often sleeping with the other boys in a
drawer or hammock.  She loved raisens and sweets and whenever I ate raisin
bran she would come running in hopes I would give her a few.  I use to sit
on the couch and eat my cereal, but she would pester me until I caved in.
So I had to eat at the table just so I could get through my breakfest.  She
use to like to sleep on my lap when I drove.I love the way she curled her
front paws under her body and sort of curl up.  It is amazing, she lived
through the deaths of 4 ferrets.  I feel incredibly blessed that she was in
my life.  She taught me a lot about patience, beauty and love.I feel her
spirit run through me often.  I know she is happy playing with all her
friends that have gone before the field of endless tall grass and
piles of dirt and raisins!  I love you girl!
[Posted in FML issue 2471]