Isn't it a shame when someone is afraid to come forward and ask a question
for fear of being assaulted?  Don't even sweat it, Sharon!  That is what
this forum is about and without the questions and stories and etc.  there
wouldn't be a ferret forum at all.  I think people flame each other here
when they fear ferrets are or can be in some way abused in some way, either
from advice or a situation.  To me, you sound like a die hard animal lover
and who could flame that?
Anyway, enough of my opinions, now please let me ask of those more
knowledgeable than myself...
I have my little Widget, a 7 month old sprite from MF, going to the vet's
on a once a week basis for weighing and check up.  I had written a while
back telling you her perdicament.  She was found in her litter box close to
unconscious in a pool of blood when earlier she had been playing and was
fine and healthy.  She is still very underweight, Dr. Doolan had done an
xray on her and it showed nothing blocking her.  He suggested an endioscope
next week if she hasn't gain weight thru ensure, which she hates, or baby
food, which after spending 15.00 on all different kinds and brands I find
she also dislikes.  ( BTW, both mine dislike raisins as well).  Her coat is
beautiful and she plays and runs around like always, although a little more
clumsy than she used to be.  She has no missing hair around her tail,
nothing besides her weight is wrong.  At times she will eat 8 in 1 or the
kitten food, Authority, but she has 3 pieces and stops eating.  Her stools
are completely normal.  I asked Dr. Doolan, who is now Unky Doolan, if this
is going to be her normal weight from now on and he said no way.  So now
what?  As it is I have to give her anti-inflammatory medicine mixed with
Nutri-Stat or Ferretone, just to give her some variety.  I don't force feed
her it, she licks in out of a measuring spoon but she trembles the whole
time!  I feel terrible about it and give her extra love, and attention
afterwards.  The only thing she likes to eat are the Stat and Ferretone!  I
explained to her she can't live on that alone but she's just not listening.
Has anyone got any advice?  Thank you in advance.
And Sharon, I have 2 birds, 2 ferrets, and 3 cats, all are loved very much
and not allowed out at the same time either.  Except when the bird (a Black
Headed Caique) escaped and flew over to the couch while my big boy,Oso Baby
Ferret, was there.  I never saw him move so fast!!  They are definately
still hunters at heart.  Now the cage has got locks on it so he can't get
out on his own!
Thanks again!
Kym, Oso and Little Widget
[Posted in FML issue 2470]