Dear Meghan,
Just a little info...Sofa: sorry to burst your bubble but I don't think
Dervish has discovered that the sofa has an opening yet.  Dervish will be
very happy when/if she discovers this, so don't panic if you can't find her
one day look in the sofa first (feel around the bottom for a lump that
moves).  When she discovers this the real fun will begin because she will
do anything to get in after she knows.  Collars: I have a hard time with
collars.  The best luck that I have had are pony-tail rubber bands with the
material wrapped around it.  I have at least $100 worth of store collars
lost somewhere.  However, if you or anyone else knows a good collar that
will stay on please let me know.  I still keep their collar lose enough so
if they get caught on something they can get out and will not chock or hang
themselves.  Jumping: My babies do the same thing trying to jump from one
place to the other.  It is so cute and as time went on they didn't miss so
much.  I read that the "real" danger is if the fall 3 feet or more, then
they may break their back.
OK I found Ferretone.  Do you only put on their food or do you give it to
them other ways.  What does it do?
Does anyone have a receipe for Duck Soup?  I can't find it on the post from
last week.
RE: Animal Planet Be Careful what you wish for.
A while back my mother called me telling me that if I ever had a baby I
would have to get ride of my babies.  My mother LOVES Belle and Tigger so I
was shocked.  She said that she saw on TV a program on ferrets, WILD
FERRETS.  She was shocked with their behavior in the wild.  Please be sure
when you are requesting for ferrets to be featured on this chanel that you
specify domesticated ferrets.  If not you will see something totally
different then what you expected.
RE: Blow on them
My local ferret shelter told me something very similar.  They told me that
when my babies do something bad to pick them up by the scruff and hiss at
them.  They said they hate this and will stop doing whatever you hissed at
them for.  He thought that me touching, just touching their nose and
telling them "No" was a horrible thing to do.  I was confused and still am.
If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.
Sick Ferret: There was a post about a lethargic ferret with dropping glassy
eyes and runny poop.  Have a complete blood count done.  Belle acted this
way and we found that she has liver problems.
Blackheads on tail: I have been reading alot about this and according to my
resources "Ferret" magazine there is no cause for alarm.  This is treated
by a medicated shampoo from your vet and is not associated with anything
life threatening.  You work the shampoo in with a toothbrush and keep it on
for a minute or two.  If there are any further concerns I will have the
article with me on Friday the 23rd if you want more details you can e-mail
Want to thank all fellow ferret lovers for all the great info.  This post
is late going out because of Belle and Tiggers illness....Sorry for the
Anna, Belle, & Tigger
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[Posted in FML issue 2470]