My roommate has a houseguest staying with us.  This girl is impossible, let
me tell you, the kind who just drops into town and plans to stay for
goodness-knows-how-long.  (She used to have a ferret, kept it in a rabbit
cage and never took it out to play.) In other words, I don't like this girl.
Anyway, I came back from class today and let Dervish out to play in the
living room while I ate lunch.  Misty, the guest, was asleep on the sofa.
Dervish went and snuffled her bare toes, which sort of half woke her up.
Misty took a kick at her, which of course came nowhere near Dervish
(kamikaze extroadinaire) but still made me *really* mad.  I tried to call
Dervish over without waking Misty up so I could take her upstairs.  (Misty
is sound asleep again at this time.) I walk across the room to get her, she
runs up onto the loveseat, which is caddy-corner to the sofa.  To my
amusement, Dervish took an IMMENSE flying leap and not only landed SMACK
DAB ON MISTY'S HEAD, but also managed to tip over a full glass of water
onto her.  I don't think I've ever laughed so hard.  Misty woke up with a
screech, and by that time Dervish was safely in a hidey-hole.  Misty didn't
even know what hit her!
I guess sometimes having a bad ferret is good!  Misty plans to leave
today.  :-) I've never known a negligent ferret owner, but hearing about
her treatment of her ferret made me quite upset.  She saw Dervish bouncing
all around like a normal ferret, and commented that hers never did that.
:-( Probably never got the chance.  I guess Dervish could tell I didn't
like Misty.  (She did get a treat for it.  We're so bad, she and I!)
Dervish is so much better with her litter boxes, her nipping is down, and
there have been no futher sofa-spelunking expeditions (thank goodness).
She still doesn't like to go near strangers at first, but after they've
been around a while she'll like them plenty.  I'm surprised at her kamikaze
mission on Misty.  Usually it's just me she ambushes.
Much love and many dooks to all,
(Texas) Meghan and Dervish ("Geronimo!")
[Posted in FML issue 2470]