Hello all!
Thanks for the Sparky suggestions.  We went to the vet and she is 99% sure
it is an anal/scent gland infection.  She prescribed anti-biotics and wants
to see us again in 2 weeks.
I told her I thought the scent glands had been removed and she said that
since the ferrets are so young when neutered, the scent glands never fully
grow so technically they are not removed, just really diminished.  So they
sort of fib when they say descented.
She said this happens more with dogs but it does happen to ferrets and even
though Sparky's cage is daily cleaned, it's just one of those things.
Glad to hear the happy stories, like from Josephine and Barb :o)   My
sympathies to the sad ones (Theo) :o(
Hang in there Jester!
Pat and Sparky
[Posted in FML issue 2470]