I'm a lurker who has decided to come out of the hidey hole.  I would have
come out sooner but was afraid I would phrase something badly or ask a
question out of a desire to educate myself and get attacked like a huge
raisin.  But I'm taking the chance and just ask if I upset someone's
sensibilities you blow in my face and don't take away my rice-box.
Onto other things.  A few days ago someone asked about exotic birds and
ferrets.  We have a combination of "his", "mine" and "ours" animals.  The
tally on the ark as it stands is 1 Congo African Gray (bird), 1 Timna
African Gray (bird), 1 Shiba Inu (dog), 1 Husky (oh come on people, you
should know that one!), one hamster with an attitude, 50+ gallons of fish,
and the most adorable sweet lovable kissy ferret in all the world.  Each
gets their own time to roam and run but never the same time!  It's one big
food chain around here.  But if they ever did escape simultaneously, I vote
for the ferret.  She'll be the smart one watching from a hidey hole!  So
yep, it is possible to have different animals without them all getting too
stressed.  Just don't get more than you have time to give them.  I would
love to say they just adore each other but the truth is each would eat the
other in a heartbeat!  A few minutes ago one bird was teasing the dog.
"Here Prancer, Baaaaaaad dog." The dog is wondering how he would taste on
a biscuit.  Nope, don't trust a one of them!
Onto a question: I live in St. Joe County Indiana.  I was trying to find a
ferret shelter to adopt two more fuzzies from and did find one woman in
rescue.  She may not be doing it much longer.  Anyone know of any others?
I also want to find a ferret play group/club.  There don't seem to be any
within war dancing distance.  I figure if I have to sit with my husband at
a fish club meeting once a month (YAWN) then I should be able to make him
sit through a ferret meeting.  After all, who could possibly like fish
better than ferrets.  I have yet to see one of his gazzilion fish drag a
toilet plunger across the kitchen floor!  (Oh don't panic, it was new!)
Now to introduce my precious.  Snickers is a five year old sable.  She is a
MF and has the sweetest disposition you could imagine.  I rescued her from
a person who claimed to be from the human race.  She had eaten her nylon
hammock, was sleeping in a filthy litter box on top of feces since the rest
of the cage was in the same condition, had stuff floating in her water
bottle and was severely underweight.  It took me awhile to get her to trust
me but she never nipped and was always loving.  She's going to the doctor
this Friday.  She's lost 1/2 her body weight in the last 3 weeks, is losing
hair on her tail, her energy is decreasing and there seems to be a lump in
her abdomen.  Nope, doesn't sound good.  Anyone have uplifting words here?
I would give my hand to keep her forever, but the vet would rather have
money!  I'm going to give her as much treatment as I can afford.  I'll keep
you posted.
I've loved lurking.  You guys have given me more information than I knew
was available!  Till tomorrow.
Sharon and the ark
Snickers (mommy, I'm too tired to play but I think I could gather enough
strength if you'd give me back the plunger!)
[Posted in FML issue 2469]