I have so MANY ferret helpers.  It seems lately they have been helping up a
storm, in cleaning the ferret rooms I went to tie up the "droppings bag" of
course one of the helpers decided the trash needed to breathe- so...... a
trail of sscoopings all over the hall---
Then - someone decided to help dish out the cheerios-- evidently I had
not left enough in the dish-- so while I read the FML--- *someone* helped
themselves onto the dining room table carefully tipped the box on it's side
and 1/3 of a new box of cheerios is all over the table and hardwood
floor--- thank goodess most were already for a nap-- they didn't get spread
throughout the living room!
Now- I don't know for sure-- but the one ferret who was still up and about
when I walked through the door-- was STRIDER" a 6 yr old MF blaze.He
greeted me with his white face with mascara painted eyes!  I have to
laugh-- he is sooooo naughty... well I must finish cleaning up after all
these helpers-- gosh I bet a maid would get things done much faster!!!
[Posted in FML issue 2468]