A question for those of you that switched to Totally Ferret Food from
another alternative:
Have you noticed a smaller amount of pooping vs. other foods?  I noticed
that they say NOT MORE than 1.5% fiber, where Marshall Premium and 8 in 1
say NOT LESS than 3%.  I am going to try mixing Totally Ferret in with the
Marshall food to see if my fuzzies will accept it, or more to the point if
scrawny Meep will eat it, chubba Daisy is happy to eat whatever is offered.
On a humorous note...Both of my ferrets have discovered Fig Newtons.  Daisy
especially thought she smelled something WONDERFUL and went nuts trying to
get to them, even Meep showed stronger than normal interest.  Now I have to
really keep them out of reach (ie the refrigerator or the garage!).  Any
idea if this would be OK in small quantities as a "treat"?  Meep won't
accept raisins, and Daisy is so-so on them.
Meep (don't let that TF touch MY food, Yuck, yuck)
Daisy (Fig Newtons!! Let me at em...!)
[Posted in FML issue 2468]