>From:    Kim VanderLaan <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: New kit-questions for vets and breeders
>The reason for my question is that I want to know when the best time is to
>cut back and then cut out the Esbilac/MultiMilk part of the slurry.
Well, if she is eating that well, I would slowly cut out the milk replacer
over a few days.  When she is eating just the mush food offer her a small
dish of dry food as well.  She will go and nibble on it as well as the
mush.  She will basiclly wean herself off of the mush.  Make sure you offer
her water at all times - esp.  when introducing the dry food.
>From:    alia granda <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Blow on them!
>Maybe no one but me does this (?) but instead of hitting your fert why
>don't you just give a good blow in the face?
We do this with our kits.  (Our older guys rarely do much wrong) It works
great if you have a little one that is opening a mouth to get you.  What
does a ferret do when blowing into it's mouth?  Lick!  Then we says
"Kisses!  Good ferret!" - in most cases of course.
>From:    DEROSE PAT <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Questions about Sparky
>I noticed a swelling at the base of her tail, slightly bigger than a pea,
>reddish and sort of soft.
Are you talking about at the base of her tail on her back?  If so, it amy
be a skin growth.  Take her to the vet and see what they say.  Maybe they
will remove it or just do a biopsy.
>From:    Ellison <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: A few questions and some bragging
>In exactly three weeks to the day of his shots, I will be out of town.
>Would it be better for him to get the shot before I leave (on that Tues.
>or Wed.) or after (on Saturday).
He will be fine getting the shot after you get back (it is only 3 days).
Besides, you will not want to be out of town worrying about a reaction.  If
you do it after yu can watch him!
Amy Flemming
Flemmig Farms
[Posted in FML issue 2468]