I have decided to undertake a small survey into vets fees in the UK, and,
if possible to campare them with charges abroad.
Moderator's note: I think the prices quoted here are in British pounds --
they were prefaced by an unprintable character, probably a pound symbol. BIGŁ
This is because I was charged an outrageous 339.00 for an antihisthamine
jab for little scabs caused (probably) by a flea bite allergy, and ear
drops for excessive waxiness.  This treatment worked so I don't begrudge
the money, but it does seem excessive, especially as the vet didn't even
comment on my poor little lad's balding tail!!  (since re-growing well) I
was also quoted 340.00 ish for a vasectomy.  I have asked one or two e-mail
friends and they have quoted quite different figures for spaying and
What causes this unfair distinction, surely not the "luxurious" offices or
brilliant animal hospital facilities.  I truly believe it is often just
charging what the vet thinks the market will stand!  I think fees should be
standardised so anxious owners are not obliged to accept the first quote
when they are worried about their fuzzy babies.
Also, in the same vein, cat and dog owners in the UK can insure against
vet bills for quite a small charge even through supermarket banks, and
likewise, bird owners can insure against bills, death, theft etc.  Has
anyone heard of a similar scheme for ferrets or even a general "pet
insurance"?  I would be really pleased to hear from anyone with any
information on either topic.  Please mail me on
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Love and cuddles to all your ferts,
Jacqui Duff-Turner and the fuzzy five,
Cappuccino - (I was very good at the vet but he pricked me with a needle!!)
Vanilla, and the rest of the girls - Mushroom, Truffles, & Guizzbutt (We
didn't get the itches!!)
[Posted in FML issue 2468]