Someone wrote and said that they were appalled at the bad conditions of a
PetCo that sells fuzzies in Illinois.
I'm going to get my ferret from PetCo (in PlanoTX, at Park and the
Tollway).  Their staff is friendly and knowledgable, their facilities are
clean, they have a good collection of pets and supplies, and they have a
good variety of fert colors (a beeeeeeautiful silver mitt or two.)
Someone talked about a ferret frolic at Petsmart, but the TX ones don't
sell fuzzies.
What color is angora?  I heard a lot about "em, but i've never seen one or
heard a description.  Please advise.
I can't wait to get my fuzzie.  I=92m going to Petco today (or yesterday,
as you read this) to buy equipment.
Elliott and soon-to-be-NewFerret, saionara!!!
[Posted in FML issue 2468]