I hope by the time this letter makes the post, Barb has found her Pepper.
I have been thinking of that little one all day.  Good luck Barb.
Josephine, I hope that either your vet or someone on the FML has responded
to your plea and adopted Liza and Truls.  Yes, they get into everything!
If your vet has taken them on please e-mail me his address and I will send
money to help out with their surgery.  Same goes if someone on the FML
adopts these two.
Paula, I love your stationary!  Thanks for the card and I bought ferret food
and nutrical today!  Again thanks.  Give Newton and Suzie hugs from me!
Thanks to everyone,
Carol Voivedich, Oscar, Lilly, Bailey and Elle
Pat, Tess, Shiloh and Amedeus.  Thank you too for the beautiful card.  Your
words were very encouraging to me.  With people like you I had the courage
to do what I did for Bailey and Elle.
[Moderator's note: Actually, regarding Josephine, while she's not yet 100%
positive, it appears that timely administration of Laxatone may have
averted the tragedy.  I expect/hope she will post details soon.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2468]