First, I'd like to comment on Marie Wallace's son David and his Meeko.
Oh, if he were only 15 years older.  It sounds like you have a wonderful,
compassionate son.  Second, I called Animal Care and Control in London,
Ont.  to see what the policy is regarding pet animal bites, especially
regarding ferrets, which have been legal here since last fall.  If the bite
results in someone wishing to report it, and it is a pet not a stray, you
call the Health Unit at 663-5317 and ask about communicable diseases.  Now
that ferrets are considered domestic, there is a 10 day quarantine period,
as there is for dogs etc.  This is good to know.  Good luck to all who are
fighting for this right in your area.
Visiting Toronto, Ont.  this weekend, I went to a pet store on Parliament,
and played with 2 intact ferrets, a small white female, and a huge sable
male.  If someone lives in Toronto and would like to educate the store
owners or give a home to these 2, the store was Pet Menagerie, it's in the
yellow pages.
On an unferrety note, I also visited the Humane Society, and fell in love
with several dogs, but 2 in particular.  There are two females, both over
10, who need a home together.  One is more geriatric than the other, but
her friend looks out for her, and can seem aggressive at first but was
wonderful with me after I talked to her for a while.  I'd love to have
adopted these old girls and given them a loving home for the time left to
them, but besides the three ferrets, and the no dogs rule in my apt.( which
I'd be willing to break) right now it's not the best time financially.  If
you would like to give a home to these sweet old girls, please contact the
Toronto Humane Society, they should know which dogs you are referring to, I
think one of them was called Lassie?  They are mid sized dogs.
Thanks for listening, I just can't help myself when it comes to finding
special people for special animals.  If I could just win the lottery,,,
There were no ferret residents at the shelter during my visit.
Thanks again,
Lara, Smokey, Chaos and baby.
[Posted in FML issue 2467]