Don't know if this will help, but today my friend Dave, who sells animal
figurines online, gave me a cute pair of ferret earrings for my birthday.
They are two little ferret heads made out of sculptors' resin on dangling
earrings.  Very cute.  He was thinking that you could buy the typical man
and woman figures for the cake top, remove the heads and then glue on the
ferret heads from the earrings.  It sounds a little weird, but if you are
creative it would probably come out cute.  To get an idea of what the
earrings look like go to:
There isn't a picture of the ferret earrings - just dogs, but it will give
you an idea of what they look like in general.  The earrings are $8.00 and
he can order them for you at
Hope this helps.
Eileen (mother of Abby and Larz)
[Posted in FML issue 2467]