All this talk of ferrets and weddings made me remember something I'd
forgotten.  When I got married I kind of wanted the ferrets to be there
(had two at the time), but of course this is not a thing that is done at
"respectable" southern weddings (or prabably "respectable" weddings
anywhere).  My mother was mortifed at the idea so I began teasing her with
it, telling her all my ideas about how I was going to dress the ferrets up
and where they were going to sit, what sort of flowers she needed to order
for them, etc... Well my mom came up with the best idea, she said she was
going to sew raisins onto the end of my train and have the ferrets carry it
down the aisle.  I just get tickled thinking about Spazmelda and Fargo
running down the aisle, with little flower wreaths on their heads, trying
to keep up with those raisins!
Leigh and Fargo, Fonzi, Kam, and Moon Boy
[Posted in FML issue 2467]